Monday, March 15, 2010

Stop press – Regional Cooking Disaster

I am a reasonable cook (maybe not a natural) and I am arguably better at desserts,cookies and cakes due to a sweet tooth from the age of sixteen but I suffer from a potential problem that I need to have a precise recipe to follow and if not things can go disasterously wrong!
I am trying to learn more regional recipes for when I move permanently to the Lunigiana (levante) region in Liguria.I have mastered home made pesto no problem, coniglio ligure no problem but breads and farinata and foccacia so far have been a bit of a disaster area!
Farinata di cecchi so far has been a wet heavy dough which you would need a very strong stomach to eat. Foccacia ligure on the second attempt turned out ok but this was using another recipe found on the web. The first said half a cup of tepid water with the levito a birra but thenit failed to mention to keep adding water until a point you arrived at a workable dough and then it said cook it in a very hot preheated oven for 20 minutes so I took them at their word and put it in at 250 degrees and it turned out a burnt and inedible rock.  But I am not giving up. Having managed to get a reasonable foccacia on the second attempt I am now a little more optimistic that only practice will make perfect. Well lets hope so.

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