Wednesday, September 30, 2009


DSC03860Well after a long day we are back. We spent an hour wandering round the house or whats left of it, if any more holes are made in it I am sure it will fall down. They have already put some scaffolding in to shore up one ceiling.(see pictures). DSC03853The old pine trees are down which has improved the view from the house but in addition has also drawn more attention to the dead trees on my neighbours property.DSC03856 I will have to have a word with them and ask if we can have them taken down. They are gradually falling down mostly on my side of the fence with each storm! The work is progessing inside so much so that we need the [lumbers now to put the pipes down inside unfortunately we havent apponted one yet as they seem slow in doing the quotes! The only one we have is way over the top on cost.Tipical.Anyway you cannot rush things in itlay!

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